Monday, April 25, 2011

-dusts off the blog-

Whoops, its been a while since I posted on here. Life's been a little crazy, between 2 jobs and getting ready to graduate. I'm also gearing up to start intensely promoting my craft and plush work once I'm done with school. I'll be selling at Colossalcon in Sandusky Ohio in June, and will be trying to get my etsy shop out there.

Some things I've been making:



And here be my little shop for those interested:


  1. Cthulu necklace! I'd replace the necklace though, it looks like they might snap from the sheer weight/awesomeness xD

  2. Its actually hemp cord which is quite strong, but I plan on acquiring leather cord for them before colossalcon.

  3. Looks like you've been busy! The octo with the heart face is cuuute.
