I've always loved looking at pictures of artists' workspaces, and they simultaneously inspire me and make me jealous that I lack a dedicated Creative Space of my own. Right now, my work desk works triple-duty as homework station, artmaking area, and sewing space. It gets rather cluttered sometimes but I still love it. My dream one day (along with having a basement library a la Neil Gaiman) is to have a studio room that has sewing space on one side and art space on the other. That is quite some time off, so this suffices for now.

Its a rather blurry picture as it was taken late at night with no flash, but I'll try to get some better pictures at a later date. In the meantime, have two large pieces I've been spending my time on lately:

Day of the Dead-inspired skullface girl, and my first time using markers in quite some time. I'm out of practice, really. The blending on the blue background sucks, and dat skin :/ Evidently I forgot that the majority of my skintone markers are dead or dying. Looks like I'll be dropping some cash on new ones when I get my next paycheck.

Inks to a character illustration of The Narrator from Brit's and my comic project. I realized I've done little to no art of the characters outside design sketches and drawing them in the comic itself so I'm trying to fix that. I'm still trying to decide whether to do ink wash or watercolors on it. Ideas? Opinions? Derp?

And in closing, a picture from my phone of my progress on my portrait for my oil painting class. Its referenced off a photo from an issue of cosmo, ha